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Spotify Fans Need to Check Out Spicetify

·637 words·3 mins·
Music Tools Tutorial OS Windows Linux ArchLinux Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint Spotify
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Do you think the official Spotify for Linux client would look better with a major restyle? So did the devs behind customisation tool Spicetify, which can do just that.

Things you can do with Spicetify:

  • Change colours within the UI
  • Inject CSS for advanced customization
  • Inject extensions to extend functionalities, change UI, etc
  • Inject custom apps
  • Remove bloated components to improve performance

For me, I just wanted a difference as well as a new look.

And if you’re satisfied running a command-line script you found online (which you shouldn’t be, but hey: I did it after I read it quickly), you can choose from a variety of community-created Spotify themes using Spicetify, but in my case I wouldn’t use a manual theme


1. Linux


1.1 Arch Based

A little info, Based Arch on the official wiki is incomplete. if you use an Arch based distro that is not on the list it works as long as there is pacman package management.

Aur package installation

yay -S spicetify-cli

Next, grant access permission to Spicetify to polish the installation

sudo chmod a+wr /usr/share/spotify

sudo chmod a+wr /usr/share/spotify/Apps -R

After that, go into the ~/.config/spicetify folder.

Run for backup Spotify

spicetify backup apply enable-devtools

Spotify is now still in the default configuration here there are two methods, namely the manual method by editing some spicetify configurations I do not recommend that, then I recommend using the spicetify marketplace so that we can combine some ea customizations (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Next to install spicetify-marketplace

curl -fsSL | sh

1.2 Debian Based

If you are using a Debian-based distro that is not on the list it works as long as there is apt package management.

First, run the script to download and install Spicetify cwan

curl -fsSL | sh

Next, grant access permissions to Spicetify to polish the installation

sudo chmod a+wr /usr/share/spotify

sudo chmod a+wr /usr/share/spotify/Apps -R

To view the config use spicetify -c, then go to the ~/.config/spicetify folder.

And run

spicetify backup apply enable-devtools

And Yep your spotify now is still in the previous default configuration there are two methods that are First the manual method by editing some spicetify configurations I don’t recommend that, And second I recommend using the spicetify marketplace so that we can combine some customizations (◡_◡҂) ᕤ

Next to install spicetify-marketplace

curl -fsSL | sh

1.3 Other Distro


For other distros such as Alpine Linux, NixOS, Gentoo, and FreeBSD. the installation method for Spicetify is similar to Debian, but differs based on the package management and root commands used on each distro. It is important to install the necessary dependency packages and read the distro and Spicetify documentation thoroughly for more specific instructions.

Why is there no fedora?

For fedora it’s still possible, just like Debian Based.

2. Windows


This is the installation method we recommend for most users. It is the fastest and most reliable way to install Spicetify. ಠ_ಠ

iwr -useb | iex

And run to back up your spotify.

spicetify backup apply enable-devtools

While your spotify is still in its default configuration, using the spotify marketplace we can incorporate various customizations for a more personalized and customized look.

Next to install spicetify-marketplace

iwr -useb | iex

3. MacOS


brew install spicetify/homebrew-tap/spicetify-cli

Run to back up your spotify

spicetify backup apply enable-devtools

Your Spicetify is already installed on spotify but it’s still plain. I recommend Spicetify Marketplace, to make your Spotify even more pretty and to your taste. go ahead (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

curl -fsSL | sh


Now you can customize extensions, themes, snippets, and apps. Importantly, all of this is free of charge with no additional costs whatsoever. Hope this information is useful in maximizing your music ¬‿¬